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Culture Development

The Importance of
Culture Development


In today’s business environment, economic conditions are forcing companies to downsize and develop non-traditional business approaches to their go-to-market strategies. However, one key factor remains the same: All companies are only as good as their established culture.


Corporate culture is the underpinning of all organizations and one of the determining factors around the level of success that a company will achieve. Currently, four primary groups make up the overall workforce:

Traditionalists (pre-1946):     7%
Baby Boomer (1946-1965):   49%
Generation X (1966-1977):   30%
Millennium (1978 and later): 15%

There are significant differences in work ethic and motivators among these four groups. Successful corporations must understand and embrace these differences and implement strategies that meet the needs of these diverse employee groups. 


Organizations that can communicate clearly defined direction around their culture—which includes their company’s mission, vision, values, and core guiding principles—will approach the marketplace with a competitive advantage.

Core Strategic
Focus Areas


Within the area of culture development, Legacy Leadership Development Group targets three platforms:


Culture Assessment

Detailed assessments provide insight to the current cultural health of your company.


Principle-based Culture Development

Identifying clearly defined core principles that drive the ethics and integrity of your organization is foundational to building trust.


Organizational Change Management

A change management system facilitates long-range vision regardless of your company’s growth/change position.


Organizational Framework

Building an organizational framework that communicates the long-term strategic direction of your organization is critical to individual and team performance.


Organizational Succession Planning 

Long-range internal succession planning delivers seamless transitions regardless of internal change factors